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Project Proposal:

Project Proposal Page 1.PNG

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Project Proposal Page 2.PNG

Production Project Timetable:

Project Timeline.PNG

Excel Schedule:

On the left is a simplified timetable of what I aim to do for each week of the project. I have then included the link to the more complex schedule on Microsoft Excel. This link can also be found in the main Context section.

Pitch Plan:

Before I go head first into creating the presentation for my pitch, I want to plan it so it can be properly executed.

I have decided to complete this on Microsoft PowerPoint as I have already had a lot of experience with it.

The first thing I am going to plan is what each slide is going to be about.

  • Title Slide: Project name and small Introduction.

  • Overview: What type of game I want to create and what I want to get out of it.

  • Why: What makes my game so special and what message am I trying to send.

  • Who: Who will be my target audience.

  • Detail: The Concept. What is the general story and how will it affect the design. 

  • End Slide: Ask for any questions and to give the pitch an ending.

Now I have a structure I now need to know what to consider when formulating the presentation.

  • Design: I need the design of the presentation to be appealing to the eye.

  • Speaking: Do not be monotone or sound so boring.

  • Line Of Sight: Don't just stare at the screen. Involve Audience.

  • Interest: Try to sell the product idea, sound interesting, don't just read a bunch of words off a screen.

  • Detail: The most important point is to have a small amount of words so you are less inclined to read and stare at the screen. It will come off as boring and badly performed if you do do this.

All I need to do now is prepare multiple methods to have a more interesting presentation.

  • Possibly have some Q Cards to help structure the speech a bit better instead of remembering the words off the top of my head.

  • Recite the presentation multiple times to ensure you know for sure what to do in the presentation. 

  • Be sure to move a bit instead of just standing there like a deer in front of the headlights.

  • Seem keen about my project and its idea. 

  • Convince the audience about your pitch and sell the product.

Now I have planned the Pitch I am ready to start creating and rehearsing it.

The Project Pitch:

Possible Feedback & What to Consider: 

  • Appeal to all audiences: Include Different characters (Black, Asian, Female, Disabled).

  • Questionnaire: Use this to ask what type of scene I want to create and what other people will like.

  • Story: Create a backstory and lore. 

The Presentation can be found here:

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